Impressive Led Module - FORUM

working with 13.56 mhz?
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Author:  fre3mind [ 13 May 2013, 17:01 ]
Post subject:  working with 13.56 mhz?

I'm new to rfid and I want to rebuild the RFID Emulator.

So just one question: I need to clone a 13.56 Mhz Card. Is it possible with your set up, too ? Or have I just to change some parts ?

best regards,

Author:  mariya [ 10 Jul 2013, 15:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: working with 13.56 mhz?

very nice post like this forum

Author:  cyberpunx [ 12 Mar 2014, 02:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: working with 13.56 mhz?

great work on emulator by the way i await mine

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